The Story of My Physical Literacy (Education)
"The Story of My Physical Literacy" is meant to educate, inspire and move health and physical education professionals to action from my own personal perspective. The premise of the talk is how physical literacy plays a key role in not only the physical quality of one's life but the emotional, personal, and professional quality as well. As I look back over my life, several key decisions and successes were preceded by quality, life changing physical experiences. This is all tied together through stressing the importance of physical literacy for all students, highlighting how health and physical educators are a critical component in any school district, building or classroom, and how all health and physical educators are uniquely positioned to help students create a successful life. |
“I was blown away listening to Mike’s Keynote talk at CAHPERD’s ‘Our Time 2019’ conference. He put it all out there!! He left himself vulnerable and he was completely honest about it. It was authentic, genuine and real. His ‘physical literacy journey’ was pure emotion and the entire audience was blessed to hear it. It made me reflect on my own physical literacy journey as it relates to my children. It was engaging, interactive, funny and effective all rolled up and delivered perfectly. Mike took the risk and he delivered!!!" |
Recent Educational Conference Appearances